刘诗尧:无论在顺境还是逆境中,请记得 “爱国、进步、民主、科学”的精神

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刘诗尧:无论在顺境还是逆境中,请记得 “爱国、进步、民主、科学”的精神

2023-07-19 00:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





你们可能会注意到,我刚刚没有使用北京大学的全称,而选择用“大学”(the University)这个词。在麻省理工学院学习时,我在哈佛大学法学院的朋友曾经告诉我,他们一般用“法学院”这个词来指代自己的学院,而用全称(如某某大学法学院)来称呼其他大学的法学院,这是因为他们认为哈佛大学的法学院对美国来说地位特殊,是全国至今仍持续运作的法学院中最古老的,在美国的法治发展过程中发挥了至关重要的作用。这与北京大学的地位有着异曲同工之妙:它是中国第一所现代化大学,自成立之日起就持续为国家发展贡献着源源不断的力量。“大学”的前身京师大学堂成立于1898年,是“百日维新”这一现代化运动中的重要成果。“大学”也见证了马克思主义在中国的早期传播,在出席中国共产党一大的13名代表中,有6人曾在北京大学工作或学习。世界上没有任何一所其他大学,像“大学”这样,与国家和人民的命运如此深刻和紧密地联系在一起。



然而,我还是收拾好行李,坐火车到了北京。如果你问当年18岁不谙世事还有些天真的我,这个决定背后的原因是什么?我必须承认,这并不完全是理性选择的结果。我对两所大学都知之甚少,而唯一的了解来自一节高中历史课上对北大的介绍:1919年,北京大学确立了 “爱国、进步、民主和科学 ”的传统。

我告诉自己,“我要去。” 不过回想起来,我必须承认,当时我并不知道这个传统是否还在北大延续着。如果这是学位论文中的一个结论,我一定会像在答辩中质疑在座各位一样质疑自己。“论文作者提到的传统是九十多年前的,那作者有没有什么实证证据能说明该传统在今天在延续和发扬?” 我想每位在座的毕业生都切身体会过我的各位同事和我所组成的答辩委员会对各位的严格要求。这个决定确实听起来很冲动,但那时我毕竟只是一个高中生而已,就像前两天工体的那位年轻的梅西粉丝一样。






亲爱的毕业生们,英文里毕业典礼叫做“commencement”,因为这对你们来说意味着一个新的开始(译者注:commencement有“开始”的含义)。当你们踏上新的旅途时,请允许我作为教师代表和“大学”的校友,把“大学”的传统传递给你们。无论在顺境还是逆境中,请记得 “爱国、进步、民主、科学”的精神——全心全意服务国家发展,脚踏实地谋求进步,找到适合本国人民最佳福祉的民主治理模式,并确保在所有政策制定过程中秉持科学精神,理智分析。如果你们的决策不够科学,请想想你们是不是还想经历一轮毕业论文答辩! 




Prof. Liu Shiyao, 

Assistant Professor of Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development,

Peking University

Dear honorable guests, our colleagues, students, families, and friends, and most importantly, the graduands of the Institute, hello!

Being the youngest faculty member of the Institute for now, I was feeling a bit anxious when the committee voted me to speak here.

Later, I became a bit relieved when I realized that by having me here, the committee could check two boxes at the same time. They got a faculty speaker, and an alumni speaker, besides their intention to bring in the voice of the young.

One speaker fewer, lower cost of coordination, higher efficiency, and more meaningfully, five more minutes for our distinguished guest speaker, and another alumnus of the University, Ambassador and Dr Zhang. 

So humbly on behalf of the alumni network of the University, to all our graduands, welcome!

You may have noticed that I am not using the full name of the University but am only referring to her as the University. When I was studying at MIT, my friend at Harvard Law School told me that all they used “the Law School” to refer to their alma mater but use full names of other law schools when talking about others.

They told me it was because their school was special for their country. Harvard has the oldest continuously operating law school in the US and has also played the most important role in their development of rule of law.

Well, I guess you may have seen the reasoning – the University, is China’s first modern university, continuously in operation and contributing to our national development. She was established as “the Imperial University of Peking” in 1898 as part of a series of modernization efforts called “Hundred Days’ Reform”. Later, she witnessed the early introduction of Marxism into China. Among all 13 delegates to the Inaugural National Congress of the CPC, 6 of them have worked or studied at the University. There is no other university in the world, not Harvard nor Oxford, has such a deep and unalienated connection with the fate of her nation and her people.

About 13 years ago, it was the year when the 18-year-old I sat for the National College Entrance Examinations. It was also a June. As the top scorer of Shanghai, I was offered two options – HKU or the University.

If you Google my name in Chinese, you may still find an early piece of news from the official Shanghai newspaper, with the headline “Our Top Scorer Says No to HKU and Decides to Join Peking”.

Well, you may have heard the saying that “a dog biting a human, no news; a human biting a dog, a headline”. Although not fully accurate, you can feel the surprise my article carried.

The surprise was understandable – First, nearly all international rankings put HKU ahead of Peking in those years. Besides, HKU promised scholarships of half a million Chinese yuan for top scorers. It was also the choice of almost all other top scorers of the city for 3 years preceding, and 2 years following mine.

Still, I packed my bag and took the train to Beijing. If you asked the innocent 18-year-old me, what was behind my decision? I must admit, frankly, at that time, it was not a fully informed one. I knew little about the two universities, and the only relevant information I had was from a lecture in my high school history class: In 1919, the University started her tradition of “Patriotism, Progress, Democracy and Science”. – For Chinese speakers, 爱国, 进步, 民主, 科学.

“I must go” I told myself, although in retrospection, I had to confess that, by then, I did not know whether the tradition was still here.

I would challenge myself if this were a conclusion in a thesis. Isn’t the tradition mentioned in a history class talking about 1919, which was more than 90 years ago (in the year of 2010)? Will the tradition still be relevant today? Almost every graduand can certify how challenging my colleagues and I have been during your defense.  

The decision of the 18-year-old me sounds impulsive, but what else can you expect from a high school student? Look at our young Messi fan at Beijing Workers Stadium.

Nevertheless, I arrived, spent four years, and obtained two bachelor's degrees. Since the moment I got here, every minute in the four years on this campus, I was seeing clearly the tradition running in the blood of every PKUers, be them professors, staff members, seniors, classmates, or alumni.

Let me quote our Dean, Professor Lin on this, “As long as the nation has not yet revived, it means our mission is yet to be complete. If there are still poor people in the world, it is our own poverty. When there are still suffering people in the world, it is our own suffering”.  


When I was graduating from my PhD program and started to look for jobs in academia, I immediately applied for the University. In that season, again, I came across a similar situation, two options among other job offers – the Institute vs another top university in Hong Kong.

Different from the 18-year-old me, whose choice was mostly because of a “hearsay”, this time, I firmly decided to join the Institute, because I know precisely, the tradition of “Patriotism, Progress, Democracy and Science” is still here, and will continue to be here.

By the way, most, if not all, international rankings have placed the University steadily ahead of any other university in Hong Kong nowadays. Regardless, the University keeps her tradition, be it a headwind or a tailwind.

I still remember what our Executive Dean, Professor Yao told us during the opening ceremony – not to consider the experience of China as a one-size-fits-all template, but as a mirror. In a mirror, you are not seeing China, but yourself, the national development problems in your home country.

Dear graduands, we call the graduation ceremony a commencement, because it indicates a new start for all of you. As you are commencing, please allow me to pass on the tradition of the University, both as a faculty member and as one of the alumni. Please bear in mind “Patriotism, Progress, Democracy and Science”, whether in good times or bad.

Serve your country with your whole heart, keep making progress step by step, find a democratic governance that suits the best interest of your people, and make sure to be scientific and analytical in all policy making processes. We would challenge you, as in a thesis defense, if the decision is not scientific enough.

Finally, I would also like to remind you, we are always here for you – the Institute, all the faculty, and all our staff members. Do drop by, and we are only one email away!

Thank you very much.







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